Legal Marketing For Law Firms & Barristers Chambers

Does my law firm need a video?

Orion Legal Marketing Agency

Written by Rachel Tombs

6th November, 2018

Lawyer Website Design

Camera Shy? Not a problem. Whiteboard and Animation Videos are essential tools that should be part of your law firm marketing strategy.

Online video is a powerful marketing tool considered to be one of the most influential on the internet. People are consuming millions of hours of video on sites like Facebook and YouTube every day, and statistically, where both video and text are available on the same page, over 70% of people would rather watch a video to learn about a product or service.

However, fears about stumbling over words, dodgy lighting or how you will be portrayed on screen are often concerns that put lawyers, meditators and barristers off using video.

Thankfully, you don’t need to put yourself in front of the camera to produce a compelling and engaging video as whiteboard or animation videos can provide a polished and professional visual representation of you and your firm.

Whiteboard and animation videos are ideally suited to lawyers, solicitors, barristers and mediators as you often need to convey complex messages and services in a comprehensive and engaging way. By using video, you can bring your legal services to life, create memorable images, build trust and drive traffic to your website.

What are animated and whiteboard videos?

Don’t worry – we’re not suggesting a Tom & Jerry or Morph type video is how you should portray you or your firm.

Whiteboard animation is a video style that shows the viewer static images being drawn on the screen. These animations are simple, yet engaging.

Typically, the whiteboard illustrations are accompanied by a narration that walks the audience through the story that is being told within the drawing.  Whiteboard videos are particularly versatile because they can be created with or without sound enabling them to appeal to both visual and auditory learners. This makes it possible for you to maximise your outreach and capture a wider audience.

Animated videos are similar – short, professional-quality videos that cover the legal topics your clients care about using facts and figures, as well as characters, to help potential or existing clients understand more about the legal services you provide.

Both types of videos are quick and cost-effective ways of producing visual online tools that can help drive brand awareness and engagement with your Law Firm, Mediation Practice or Barristers Chambers target clients.

Use video to explain what you do and engage with our audience

Videos are changing the way in which people learn and digest information. The facts tell us that prospective clients now prefer to watch a video instead of reading a block of text which illustrates how much of an impact whiteboard and animation videos can have.

Animation and whiteboard videos are so effective because they can provide viewers with crucial information about the legal services that you offer and who you are in a naturally engaging and digestible format.

Short educational/ FAQ animation and whiteboard videos are particularly effective if produced with the goal of providing valuable, relevant information to your audience.

Use video to boost your internet profile

Well-produced, SEO-optimised animation and whiteboard video content on your website can massively improve your search rankings. Video content is classed by Google as high-quality content meaning that websites with video content are more likely to rise to the top of the search results, increasing the visibility of your firm.

Videos built around high-volume keyword research in order to drive traffic to your website or social media platforms are particularly powerful. When a potential client comes across your video, it can often be because they are searching for answers on a specific topic and by providing them with useful, engaging content, you will achieve higher organic search traffic while simultaneously boosting brand authority.

What is more, people like to share videos they enjoy or find helpful, which will in turn help to boost your online reach.

Remove Barriers and Build Trust

Whilst it might not be true in reality, many law firms can seem faceless and unapproachable, so it is up to you to break down those barriers and make it possible for people to get to know more about you and your legal services.

Whiteboard videos provide you with the opportunity to reach out and encourage people to learn all about your law firm. They deliver a personal approach to the way in which you interact with potential clients and they build trust, helping your clients to make an informed decision regarding why they should choose your service.

Animation videos are the perfect way to introduce your law firm and your services in an intriguing and exciting way. Through the use of words and pictures, you can clearly and simply explain who you are, what you offer and why prospective clients should choose you. It is an effective way to approach an age-old problem, whereby clients are fearful of approaching law firms. Break down those barriers through the use of whiteboard or animation videos and build trust.

When prospective clients are presented with whiteboard or animation videos, you can remove legal jargon, introduce images, words, scripts and sound enabling them to find everything that they need in just a few minutes. Your clients have questions to ask, they want answers, so provide them with those answers in the simplest way possible.

The Facts Speak Volumes

Just look at how many people are now watching videos instead of engaging with the text in order to find the information they require before they make a purchase. Video marketing should not be overlooked, it should be embraced because it really can help to change the opinions of potential clients and that will have a positive impact on your business.

To find out more about Orion Legal Marketing and how we can help you benefit from video marketing, get in touch with us.

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