As a legal business, your email marketing list is an incredibly valuable asset. It will consist of individuals with interest in your services, to whom you can make offers, engage in new areas, and suggest ways in which you may be able to help them.
Building and retaining a solid email marketing list is crucial for building your business. The list will be under your control, unlike groups who may follow you on social media, where you are at the mercy of the service provider. We take a look at how to increase your email list and keep them engaged with your emails.
1. Social media
If you are posting content on social media, make sure that you clearly offer a link so that readers can subscribe to your email newsletter. You can craft an offer specifically designed to gain contacts, such as a free guide. Before the guide can be downloaded, the user will need to enter their email address and consent to being on your list.
2. Make your content easily shareable
As well as putting out great content, make sure it can be easily shared. If people read an interesting article, they might want to forward it to a colleague or other connection for their information. Once the new reader has it, they will also receive the option to join your email list.
Similarly, when sending out your newsletter, ask your list members whether they know anyone else who would be interested in receiving it and invite them to forward it.
3. Ask your existing clients
Your existing and former clients are an important addition to your list. Get into the habit of asking all clients whether they are willing to be added to your newsletter list. As they are already your clients, they are statistically likely to use you again, and by sending out emails you may alert them to services you offer that they were not previously aware of.
4. Subscribe button on your website
Including a pop-up window or static form in a prominent position on your website asking readers to subscribe to your newsletter will give interested visitors to your site the opportunity to stay in touch with you. If your site is well-organised and informative, your newsletter is likely to be attractive to clients as well.
5. Make sure your emails offer excellent value
Your email newsletter should be fairly brief and not include too many different items. Ideally, it will focus on one message. People are generally short on time, so make sure it is interesting enough to capture their attention and not too long to hold it.
Ideas for content include commentary on any change in the law or new case law, answers to questions your clients may have in relevant areas of law, such as how the redundancy process works, news from your firm, such as the introduction of a new lawyer or a focused piece on a particular service you offer.
By sending out a quality newsletter you will not only increase engagement with your list, but you will also build brand awareness and stand a good chance of being referred on by the reader to contacts who may have need of your services.
Contact us
At Orion Legal Marketing we are experts in creating templates for legal newsletters and providing well-written, engaging content. For more information about our email services, see marketing collateral.
If you would like to discuss how we can help you build a sound and engaged email list for your legal business, ring us on 0118 380 5980, email us at or fill in our CONTACT FORM. We’ll be happy to offer you an initial free consultation to discuss your needs and the strategy that would best suit your business.