Legal Marketing For Law Firms & Barristers Chambers

Good website content is crucial for law firms

Lawyer Website Design

The advantages of a law firm blog are well documented, but during the current Covid-19 disruption, they are even more important as a source of information and reassurance for your clients and potential clients.

Take an objective look at your blog and consider whether it is working hard enough in attracting and engaging new business. Online traffic is currently higher than normal, so the opportunity is there to reach people who have questions and interest in your services.

Tone of voice

The content should be clear and easy to understand as well as crafted to gain trust and respect. People don’t always remember what you say, but they do remember how you made them feel.

At the moment, people are anxious and uneasy, so do what you can to help them feel more secure and reassured. While the tone of your blog posts should match that of your website and your firm’s brand, you should also try and keep it friendly and approachable.

Blog content

You should try and anticipate your clients’ questions and answer them as specifically as you can. Avoid general blog posts, for example, don’t write about ‘Child maintenance’, but go into detail on a particular area, such as ‘What happens when child maintenance can’t be paid because of the COVID-19 crisis?’

Over time, you can build up a comprehensive bank of blog posts addressing many aspects of your area of law. This is one of the benefits of having a content strategy document so that you can list all of the subjects you want to cover and ensure you have a balanced and comprehensive programme.

Think about keywords when creating a blog post. Ask yourself how you want your clients to find you and what particular questions you want to answer for them.

As well as writing about specific areas of law, you can include other content. At the moment, you might consider a post explaining how your firm is meeting with clients and how the legal system is being run in the light of social distancing. Make sure your clients know how they can be helped during this time.

Blogging tips

Blogging should be fairly regular. It is better to commit to a post once a fortnight than to post every day for a month and then tail off completely. Search engines like the addition of regular new content to a website and will take this into account when listing search results.

Make sure the blog posts are relevant, helpful and an interesting read. Include some surprising statistics if you have them or tell potential clients something they might not know. If you have some useful resources on your website, such as guides to various areas of law, include a link. Additionally, you can link to one or two of your other related blog posts.

It is also acceptable to link to a reputable external source, such as official financial or tax information that may be of interest to the reader.

Once your new blog post has been published, ensure you and your colleagues share it on all of your social media channels.

Finding the time to maintain a blog

As mentioned above, it is more important to blog regularly than to add large volumes of hastily-written content. Be realistic about what you will be able to achieve once life is back to normal. Regular blogging is of great value when it comes to marketing, so it is worth creating a schedule of posts that you would like to add to your blog.

If you don’t have the time or you don’t enjoy the specific sort of writing that blogging requires, consider outsourcing it. As well as helping with your search engine rankings, good quality blog posts will help establish you as a trusted and reputable authority.

If you would like to request bespoke content, tailored to your audience and written by experts in both law and marketing, ring us on 0118 380 5980, email us at or fill in our CONTACT FORM. We’ll be happy to offer you an initial free consultation to discuss your needs and the strategy that would best suit your law firm.

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