Legal Marketing For Law Firms & Barristers Chambers


LinkedIn – Why connect?

LinkedIn – Why connect?

A guest blog from Stephen Ward from Clerksroom who recently attended one of my LinkedIn training courses. I suspect most people on LinkedIn simply don't know how to use it to generate new instructions. I was the same until I went on a LinkedIn training course recently...

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Why Solicitors & Barristers use Twitter

Why Solicitors & Barristers use Twitter

When, in a historic ruling in 1986, the Law Society of England and Wales first permitted lawyers to advertise, no-one could have predicted the advent of social media and its impact on our lives. Today it barely seems imaginable that once there was a world without...

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Can Facebook convert users into clients for law firms?

Absolutely! Worldwide, Facebook now has 1.79 billion active users every month, who check their feeds on an extremely regular basis. Facebook for business works better for some areas of law than others, particularly when it involves marketing to consumers. Without a...

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